Episode 280 - PowerScripting Podcast - Glenn Block and Oisin Grehan on Asynchronous Programming

Episode 280 - PowerScripting Podcast - Glenn Block and Oisin Grehan on Asynchronous Programming


vor 9 Jahren
Glenn Block and Oisin Grehan


You can now register for the PowerShell Summit Europe!
The Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson is speaking at the Charlotte SQL Server User Group Aug 13th
Washington DC Office 365 Ramp-Up Day is August 15th

Guest - Glenn Block and Oisin Grehan

Glenn Block @gblock
Oisin Grehan @oising
Intro to async/await and asynchronous programming in .NET 4.5
Oisin’s psasync project on github

Chatroom Highlights:
sweet! http://www.infocom-if.org/downloads/downloads.html
Shattered Planet, on ios and android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kitfox.shatteredplanet
## But Oisin, we still can't deal with async callbacks like filters, we have to receive everything and filter them afterward.
The Question - Mission to Mars

Helena Christensen
Glenn Block - a really large iPad (I mean, large storage capacity)

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