Episode 273 - PowerScripting Podcast - The Scripting Games Team Winners

Episode 273 - PowerScripting Podcast - The Scripting Games Team Winners


vor 10 Jahren
Stephen Owen, Julie Andreacola and Jason Morgan on the Scripting Games

PowerShell DSC for Linux
Here’s a chance to attend a beta Advanced PowerShell class

Here’s the lab guide

The PowerShell Summit N.A. videos Aaron Hoover recorded are up

and here

PowerShell Saturday #009
MMCUG May Meeting

Guest - Stephen Owen & Julie Andreacola, Jason Morgan

Julie works as a consultant with SCCM
Jason works with Verizon in managed services & also
Stephen been using powershell 4 yrs. Also System Center consultant in Atlanta

Chatroom Highlights:
[22:33:33] Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can use the stop-parsing
[22:33:34]     symbol.
[22:33:34]         icacls X:\VMS --% /grant Dom\HVAdmin:(CI)(OI)F
Here's a link to a free Git book (pdf/epub/mobi) for the show notes: http://git-scm.com/book
GarySiepser that worked from search engine... 'powershell stop parsing' first link: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847892.aspx
Anyone catch this today ?  http://www.labofapenetrationtester.com/2014/06/introducing-antak.html
##Is github good for a close helpdesk team, or would another solution be good for a small non-dev group?
## @StephenOwen You said 4 years of experience can you recall your bootstrap period , when you were first picking up Powershell and experiences involved with coming up to speed
The Question -

Stephen Owen - Wolverine--no Cable
Julie Andreacola - Flying
Jason Morgan - Professor X

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