Episode 270 - PowerScripting Podcast - MVP Jim Christopher on StudioShell and More

Episode 270 - PowerScripting Podcast - MVP Jim Christopher on StudioShell and More


vor 10 Jahren
MVP Jim Christopher on frameworks and the PowerShell Summit

PowerShell DSC for Linux
Here’s a chance to attend a beta Advanced PowerShell class

Here’s the lab guide

The PowerShell Summit N.A. videos Aaron Hoover recorded are up

and here

PowerShell Saturday #009
MMCUG May Meeting

Guest - Jim Christopher

Jim’s blog

Chatroom Highlights:
This is very cool http://curah.microsoft.com/67912/powershell-summit-na-2014
Iâ€m slightly considering doing this: http://ozar.me/2014/05/one-pound-sql-server-dell-venue-pro-8/
Hey, anyone ever seen a laptop get a bar in the screen and have half the screen be washed out like ... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152219758933402&set=a.10151468972933402.1073741827.592718401&type=1
Also here is the link to the provider framework: https://github.com/beefarino/p2f
shameless plug for my coworker who is using p2f: https://github.com/cdhunt/NewRelicApiPoshProvider
( @ http://www.threebirdstavern.com/ now )
VS Object Model: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/za2b25t3.aspx
talk about the summit reminds me.  Snover put out the article on using JEA today.  http://blogs.technet.com/b/privatecloud/archive/2014/05/14/just-enough-administration-step-by-step.aspx
Stuwee: SHhhh. https://msconfiggallery.cloudapp.net/
category list in sidebar http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/
## I have an announcement.  I rode the mechanical bull successfully Wed night! pics and videos coming soon
## You broke the SQLite provider. Whine Whine.
## Ask jim about Lucky Strike :)
## Can you go into more detail on PSGET ?
## Exceept it doesn't handle dependencies (yet)
## And you can't upload modules (yet)
## can we host our internal Module repo?
## QUESTION: Your most complicated module doesn't have dependencies on other modules?
## How would we browse those modules today or do you need to be "invited"?
## DO YOU THINK we should enforce the use of the technet "technology tree" categories? I.e.: pick ONE category?
## Also, do you know there's a preference variable to turn off autoloading, or make it autoload only when you explicitly specify Module\Verb-Noun
## What was that Philadelphia code camp statement?
The Question - Jim

Favorite Sci Fi Movie: Alien


Setting up an Internal PowerShellGet Repository
Boe Prox posted a presentation he did on WSUS and PowerShell

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