Erk FM: Australia 338 – Welcome Back To The SGC!

Erk FM: Australia 338 – Welcome Back To The SGC!

Erk FM: Australia - indie/unsigned Australian music down the pipes & into your ears. Released every Friday, Erk FM: Australia is a companion podcast to Erk FM: International (released on Wednesdays).


vor 11 Jahren
Welcome to Erk FM: Australia episode 338. Erk likes it when PR companies help to make creating a playlist really easily. On this episode, Erk features some artists who have been on Erk FM: Australia before with new music to promote. It is also good when the PR company lets Erk know about a band in his home city that he had no idea existed! Now that Erk knows they exist,  you will also know they exist because you are listening.


During the week, Erk received a couple of song requests & did not want to say no! He also snuck some metal onto the show but it is very relevant to the song prior!


All music supplied by  SGC Media & the artists directly.


Song list (all times approximate):

02:22 - Fill Yourself - Mia Dyson (SGC Media)
07:25 - Picking Up The Pieces - Jeremy Hunter (SGC Media)
13:13 - Maybelene - The Love Junkies (SGC Media)
20:44 - Australia Street - Sticky Fingers (SGC Media)
25:18 - Like A Kid - The Trouble With Templeton (SGC Media)
31:26 - Trouble - Abbe May (SGC Media)
36;26 - Pool - Cub Scouts (SGC Media)
40:39 - Come On. Stand Out - 7bit Hero (SGC Media)
44;00 - 8 Bit Superhero - Not Another Sequel Just Another Prequel (direct)
53:30 - Never Turn Your Back On The Sea - Rapskallion (direct)
01:00:25 - Ginger Bread Man - Rapskallion (direct)
01:06:31 - Jangle - Gemini Downs (direct)
01:10:05 - From Darwin - Gemini Downs (direct).

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