Erk FM: Australia 362 – Alison Avron At The Newsagency

Erk FM: Australia 362 – Alison Avron At The Newsagency

Erk FM: Australia - indie/unsigned Australian music down the pipes & into your ears. Released every Friday, Erk FM: Australia is a companion podcast to Erk FM: International (released on Wednesdays).


vor 10 Jahren
Welcome to Erk FM: Australia episode 362. On this episode, Erk heads to The Newsagency in Sydney's inner west. Alison Avron is a busy lady. She is a musician. She is also a music teacher & a music venue operator. If you are a music venue operator like Alison is, what better place to have your EP Launch than at your own venue! The "By Your Side" EP launch is being held at The Newsagency in Sydney's inner west on Saturday July 20. Quirky & catchy, you won't be alone in singing along with the crowd & interacting in the intimate space of The Newsagency. During this interview, we find out about what it is like to wear several hats at once.


Song list (song times are approximate):

36:42 - By Your Side
45:24 - Will You Be My Lover
48:06 - Imaginary Boyfriend 

Related posts:
Erk FM: Australia 342 – The Newsagency Sessions Nailed It!
Erk FM: Australia 294 – Norockvember Week 3
Erk FM: Australia 360 – Boomeranging Full Circle!

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