Episode 175 - PowerScripting Podcast - Mike Wells on SQL 2012 and SQLSpade

Episode 175 - PowerScripting Podcast - Mike Wells on SQL 2012 and SQLSpade


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Mike Wells on SQL 2012 and SQLSpade
This segment brought to you by Start-Automating

Start Scripting to Your Fullest Potential.  At Start-Automating, we can help you unleash the full Power of PowerShell V2.  You can use our deep PowerShell expertise to build rich PowerShell solutions, or we can train you to use PowerShell like a pro. Isn’t it time you Save-Time, Save-Money, and Start-Automating?  Find out more at Start-Automating.com.

The 2012 Scripting Games have been announced!

PowerShell Saturday is happening!

It’s time for another PowerShell Deep Dive

New PowerShell user group is starting up in Boston, MA

The SQL Server 2012 Special Ops Tour kicks off in Atlanta March 5th

Jan Egil Ring posted his PowerShell sessions from the NIC conference

PowerShell PowerCamp

Helsinki March 10-11

London April 21-22

The PowerScripting Podcast will be at SQLSaturday #111 in Atlanta on Apr 14th!

New version of the Cisco UCSPowerTool v 0.9.6 recently shipped and it has 1400 cmdlets!

Also new from NetApp: Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit v 1.7 was just released (962 cmdlets)

This segment is brought to you by TrainSignal
Get online computer based training for you and your whole staff from TrainSignal. TrainSignal offers more than 80 IT training courses in the areas of Security, Network Administration, Virtualization, PowerShell and more. With 24/7 online access, TrainSignal’s training courses are accessible on almost any device including PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones, and more.  For more info and a list of courses, visit TrainSignal.com.


SQLSpade on Codeplex

Intro to SQLSpade (blog post)

How to slipstream SQL Server

Chatroom Banter

[21:47:01] * Brian-AKA-Zuul (416e9250@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joins #PowerScriptingPodcast
[21:47:11] what up
[21:47:14] Brian-AKA-Zuul we were talking about you
[21:47:14] you were?
[21:47:34] haha we were totally not mocking you that bad
[21:51:58] Mike looks at sql tables and sees blondes, brunettes, redheads :)
[22:07:20] I like it.  You should go for a "Sam Spade" themed look
[22:07:42] The only look that I can do is "Blue Steel"
[22:16:33] ## Correction to my question - Can you move the master, model, msdb mdf and ldf to specific drives and directories with your tool?
[22:12:29] ## what sort of styles of automation did you have do to (screen scrape / command line drive / data files/  existing scripts?)
[22:12:48] ##how is hard/easy is it to add/remove tasks to SQLSPADE
[22:15:37] ## Is it XML ?  Does it store data securely?
hr> can you kick off remote installs?
[22:17:36] #Have your tried server core
[22:17:37] ## Can you make that order customizable ?  How much of the tech is specific to SQL server and how much is general automation?
hr> HTML log? Why?
[22:21:49] ##how does the html log work on server core

The Question

Super Power: MacGyver!

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