Episode 205 - PowerScripting Podcast - Jeffrey Snover talks about PowerShell 3.0

Episode 205 - PowerScripting Podcast - Jeffrey Snover talks about PowerShell 3.0


vor 11 Jahren
In This Episode
Tonight on the PowerScripting Podcast, we talk to Jeffrey Snover about PowerShell version 3!

Windows 8, Server 2012, and most importantly, PowerShell v3 were all just officially launched Oct 26th! Go forth and deploy!

Glen Sizemore took home the Iron Scripter honors at PowerShell Saturday #3

Philadelphia Meeting - November 1st, 2012 - 6-8pm

November 1, 2012 Scripting Game # 5, the Event Log Strikes Back

Creating your first Module - November 8th in Rochester

Central Ohio PowerShell Users Group Meeting - November 2012


Guest - Jeffrey Snover

Standards-based management in Windows Server

What is CDXML?

CIM cmdlets in PowerShell v3

Default Parameter Values

The Question -
Favorite books: Nietzsche,

Chatroom Buzz
JeffHicks: ##What the story on managing non-Windows platforms with PowerShell?
PowershellJedi: Jsnover is a pit fighter
DonJ-MVP: "Server with a GUI" sounds like a crutch. Love it.
beefarino: "Server with security holes"
kobeckman: now if we could just get all the 3rd party software companies to catch up so we can remove the GUI on all our servers
DonJ-MVP: ######### Does the "Made for Windows Server 2012" logo program address GUI/nonGUI in any way, for ISVs?
JeffHicks: ##What is the future of PowerShell workflow? Where do we go next?
beefarino: ## what were the biggest issues getting the individual MS teams to migrate their management to powershell?
alexandair: ## What kind of non-Windows devices can we manage with PowerShell already?
beefarino: ## there seems to be a large gap in powershell coverage for SQL server management; any plans to address?
JasonHelmick: ## have you had a chance to relax and enjoy the success of Server 2012 Core?
Olathemike: ## does Server Manager use workflows or remoting or both to remotely execute code?
alexandair: ## Is there anything in Server Core 2012 that we cannot do remotely with PowerShell?
JasonHelmick: ## In production Server Manager is the most useful GUI tool that MS makes.
DonJ-MVP: ##### What better way than Metro to convince to you remove the GUI from the Server?!?!?
DonJ-MVP: ######### Hal, what's been the uptake on workflow? How much of v3 workflow was intended for internal partner needs? Cuz it doesn't seem as polished as, say Remoting - seems like "we needed this internally so we did it, and we exposed it, and it'll probably evolve."
beefarino: ### can the micro wbem run on an arduino?
DonJ-MVP: (BTW, anyone who isn't aware, the PowerShell community is coming together in April, on-campus at Microsoft - http://www.powershellsummit.org - hope you can join us!)
JeffHicks: ##What PowerShell v3 feature would you want IT Pros to know about that they might not find right away?
glnsize: as the storage guy in the room... Server 2012 + smi-s works great  as a general interface.  There is always room to improve as SMI-S is a least common toolset but it works just fine.
cmille19: I wonder when we'll see an internal Microsoft team ship a product which relies on Workflow
glnsize: ## how do we combine System Center Orchestrator and Windows 2012?  SC2012 is the heart of the MSFT cloud, and SCO is the heart of SC2012.  Yet SCO doesn't leverage the V3 workflow engine... infact calling powershell from SCO is still clumbsy at best.
RichP: ## JSnover, do you work with Windows Intune at all?  If so, are there any plans to market that to consumers?  My family is spread across the country and it would make it much easier to assist them and keep their computers updated.
JeffHicks: ##Does Jeffrey see a day where nobody manages a physical datacenter and everything is "in the cloud"?
alexandair: ## Is there anything in Server Core 2012 that we cannot manage remotely with PowerShell?
Craig: 2012 Sounds good, but don't see my company going there anytime soon.  We just got up to 2010
JeffHicks: ##What will be a typical day for an IT Pro/Windows Admin in 5 years? How will this move to the cloud change their job?
JHofferle: ## I want to deploy custom remoting endpoints via group policy...any chance that's coming?
KeithH: Has anybody asked Jeffrey about PowerShell for Windows RT yet?  What are the limitations, etc?
JeffHicks: ##Is PowerShell Web Access the solution for mobile PowerShell management?
alexandair: ## Is there anything in Server Core 2012 that we cannot manage remotely with PowerShell?

(email from Colin)

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