Episode 203 - PowerScripting Podcast - June Blender from Microsoft talks about getting help

Episode 203 - PowerScripting Podcast - June Blender from Microsoft talks about getting help


vor 11 Jahren
June Blender from Microsoft on Getting Help!

October Philadelphia PowerShell User Group Meeting - Thursday, October 4, 2012 -17:30 - 20:00
October meeting on special date, October 11, 2012 - Thursday, October 11, 2012 -18:00 - 20:30
October Pittsburgh PowerShell Users Group Meeting - Tuesday, October 16, 2012 -18:00 - 19:30
PowerShell Saturday #3 in Atlanta, GA October 27, 2012


Guests - June Blender

Cmdlet Help Editor

Log your bugs in Microsoft Conenct!

The Question -
Super power: The Scripting Guy!

Chatroom Buzz
alexandair: ## when can we expect to see about_ articles for workflows on our boxes?
Vern_Anderson_: ## What's your favorite V3 feature
brwilkinson: ## question for @Juneb how many individual contributors have there been to the help?
Jeff_Hicks: #when will online docs stop being pre-release? Will there be anything different when it is RTM?
Jeff_Hicks: #Who comes up with help examples?
Jeff_Hicks: #is there anyone else writing core cmdlet help with you?
Jeff_Hicks: ##What do you wish you could do with help that isn't there yet?
PowerSchill: ## Is the Cmdlet Help Editor on CodePlex?
Jeff_Hicks: ##Is there a help style guide for other teams writing help? Or perhaps for the community?
alexandair: ## right now updatable help files and help topics on TechNet are not in sync. will that change by GA?
Jeff_Hicks: ##is there a way to download help for a module I don't have, but a server might so that I can update help locally?
Jeff_Hicks: ##for example I have a scheduled job from Win8 to download help. But I want to update help for modules on a Windows 2012 box as well so it can update help locally.
alexandair: ## there are still a lot of formatting issues in online help. should community report that on Connect?

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