Episode 198 - PowerScripting Podcast - Kirk Freiheit from Symantec about Backup Exec 2012 and their PowerShell module

Episode 198 - PowerScripting Podcast - Kirk Freiheit from Symantec about Backup Exec 2012 and their PowerShell module


vor 11 Jahren
In This Episode
Tonight on the PowerScripting Podcast, we talk to Kirk Freiheit from Symantec about Backup Exec 2012 and their new PowerShell module

PowerShell Saturday!

Sept 15 in Charlotte

Oct 27 in Atlanta

The Atlanta PowerShell group is meeting on August 21st

Tampa’s PowerShell User group is meeting on August 23rd

Central Ohio is meeting on August 29th


Guests - Kirk Freiheit

History of Backup Exec

Preparing your Powershell environment to run BEMCLI and scripts

BEMCLI documentation

introductory blog post: Get-BEMCLI

Symantec’s community site: Connect

The Question -
Superhero: Iron Man

Chatroom Banter

FishTender27: I am still making my way from epi zero.  I am on 119 now.
backup exec 2012 screenshot: halr9000: http://photos.pcpro.co.uk/images/front_picture_library_PC_Pro/dir_355/it_photo_177904_52.jpg
backup exec 2010 screenshot: halr9000: BE2010: http://www.it-book.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/setup-backup-exec-r2-selections.jpg
JonWalz: I've been freebasing Posh man...
Overwatch: i may do some zip here and there... but i do not freebase posh...
Overwatch: unlimited admin power, itty bitty scripting space... Powershell
justpaul: all the power of Microsoft Bob with the user friendlines of UNiX
justpaul: ## Too many times I have arrived onsite to find that the critical lost data was outside of the backup selection. Ho can BEMCLI be used for auditing your data protection?
zouleous: ## can we expect an update that covers the missed functionality or will we have to wait for the next major version of BE?
MikeFRobbins: ## Why isn't the BEMCLI module installed when you install the management portion on a workstation? It only installs the GUI.
RichPrescott: ## My home lab with Server 2012 DataCenter is bluescreening and stuck in a boot loop.  Can Symantec BE fix that?
Ed.> The answer was “did you back that up?”


Mike Robbins is today’s Weekend Scripter: Managing Symantec Backup Exec 2012 with PowerShell

Mike also demos tab expansion features with PowerShell v3’s Get-CimInstance cmdlet

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