Episode 186 - PowerScripting Podcast - The Scripting Games Winners with Jeffrey Snover and Ed Wilson

Episode 186 - PowerScripting Podcast - The Scripting Games Winners with Jeffrey Snover and Ed Wilson


vor 12 Jahren
Scripting Games 2012 winners Rohn and Lido, as well as Jeffrey Snover and Ed Wilson from Microsoft!
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Join the PowerShell Team at TechEd

Don Jones and Tobias Weltner have release a free ebook on remoting

The Atlanta Techstravaganza is coming June 1st

The Boston area PowerShell user group is meeting May 23rd

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Guest: Jeffrey Snover, Ed Wilson, Rohn Edwards, Lido Paglia

The Question
Lido’s superhero: Superman
Rohn’s superpower: The Force from Star Wars
Ed’s favorite Sci-Fi movie: Star Wars
Jeffrey’s favorite Sci-Fi movie: Aliens 2
Chatroom Banter
RichPrescottWife: ## Ed, Any thought to doing the Scripting Games as an ongoing monthly series to give people more time to play?
FishTender27: ##Are the challenges still available if I wanted to take a crack at them now that I am not as busy?
Matt__: ##how can I get V3?
ToENuFF: I don't always write scripts, but when I do, I use PowerShell!
JHofferle: "I don't always use a CLI...but when I do...I prefer PowerShell."
alexandair1: ## who is an author of the third one?
jsnover: ### Do Lido and Rohn use the script center?
DonJones: Hi, this is Don Jones - I once wrestled an aligator in order to learn his secrets about PowerShell
Schlauge: ## what tool do Rohn and Lido use to code?  ISE?  Powershell Plus? PowerGUI
RichPrescott: ## ScriptCenter Repository rocks the scripting world.
RichPrescott: ## And I rock it.
JHofferle: Script Explorer http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29101
ScriptingWife: You guys should have lots more sympathy for me now. I live with this 24/7 LOL
FishTender27: ## Ed's got so much energy... how many red bulls a day does he drink?
RichPrescott: ## @Jsnover: Is there any functionality that you wanted added in Windows Server 2012/Win 8, but were unable to see it implemented?  Do you see the community filling the gaps with scripting?
Schlauge: ## why is everyone pushing v3 so much when it's not even offical
ToENuFF: ## Any plans to finish the ISE host so that it meets all of the host reqs?  Start-Transcript, etc
Schlauge: ## my concern is that so much is said that dont use for PROD becuase it may not work later...
ToENuFF: @halr900 @richprescott fairer question:  What are you looking forward to seeing come from the community?
MarkDW_: Will there be a WOA/WindowsRT version of Powershell?
MarkDW_: ## Do you think developers will do Metro apps for Windows Server 2012?
BartekB: ## any chance to move tiles around in server manager?
MarkDW_: ## Please expose the Powershell commands in the new server manager
RichPrescott: ## Any feedback on the Connect item to expose the PowerShell commands being run in Server Manager?
MAC_: ## It seems like there are 3 versions of 2012 Gui remove the gui and core is that the case?
MarkDW_: ## Since server manager is based on Powershell, why not expose the commands that are being run under the covers?
Jaykul: The workaround for long paths is http://poshcode.org/2488
[10:55pm] Jaykul: aka http://huddledmasses.org/downloads/Experimental.IO.zip
sepeck: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/183.windows-powershell-survival-guide-en-us.aspx
JHofferle: ## Do the winners have blogs?

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