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  • Podcast
    Cinemasters of the Universe
    We are the self titled Cinemasters of the Universe and we love movies just a little bit more than your average joe, even though we are just a couple of average Joes.
    Cinemasters of the Universe

    17.03.2022 — Movies are nearly a universal language. They can inspire us and make us laugh. They can make us feel better on a bad day and be the perfect way...

  • Podcast
    落在地球 | 杨定一著 张婉琦播(选读)
    落在地球 | 杨定一著 张婉琦播(选读)

    23.10.2023 — 内容简介 「不輸給別人」──這種勝者生存的思想, 成為落在地球的大引力,讓我們把人間看得真實, 而忘了人類、動物、植物、整個地球,都是一體的...