Voyzcast - Podcast by Voyzapp: Episode 01 - Harness the power of voice overs for advertisements

Voyzcast - Podcast by Voyzapp: Episode 01 - Harness the power of voice overs for advertisements

Voyzcast - Podcast by Voyzapp: Episode 01 - Harness the power of voice overs for advertisements


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voyzapp.com is an online voice over marketplace that offers quick, efficient, cost effective and professional voice over recording and dubbing services through thousands of experienced voice actors who work in multiple languages, accents, genres and categories. You can simply browse voices, compare prices and get your project started - all at the click of a button! We are super excited to introduce VOYZCAST - Podcast by Voyzapp! This podcast acts as a guide by offering advice, motivation, and interviews with top Voice Over industry professionals who discuss and explore - from diverse points of view - current trends and helpful techniques regarding the voice over industry and the VO business in general. Stay tuned to VOYZCAST for exciting and latest info on voice over industry Hello everyone. Thank you for having me over this Podcast on how to harness the power of voice overs for conversational advertisements. Well to start off, in today's globalised world, advertisements come in many shapes, sizes, and forms such as an attention drawing headline, a catchy jingle, and a good script incorporated with an engaging voice over. In simpler terms, Advertising helps your business evolve by attracting new customers and helping you sell more products and services to existing customers. It can increase profitability, too, by helping increase order size. The many different forms of advertising used by companies are mainly for - Radio Advertisements Television Advertisements Internet Advertisements In-Store Advertisements Print Advertisements Whether in a subway, grocery store, shopping in arcades or while streaming music applications - one of the most influential part of any advertisement is the voice you hear. Gone are the days when the visuals in a newspaper prompted customers to take a call to action! Today as more and more brands are using voice overs for ensuring a professional and relatable reputation with the audience, voice acting has become a requirement of almost every campaign. Marketing companies and brands these days are finding creative ways to attract and sustain clients through engaging voice overs. A high-quality, powerful voice adds life to any advertisement video in a literal sense. The life and spirit of this massive and rapidly expanding industry are professional voice actors who use their voices to connect with customers. The voice actor needs to be able to fit the tone of the brand as well as persuade and sell the product or service. Depending on the target market and demography, the voice may sound like the guy next door, an educated professional or a fun and lively teenager.

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