The Imposter Podcast

The Imposter Podcast

*Update - Jan 2023 You may have noticed The Impos…


Über diesen Podcast

*Update - Jan 2023 You may have noticed The Imposter has been on a bit of an unofficial hiatus. Some major life events have meant the podcast has had to take a back seat for a bit. Fortunately, there will be more free time coming up in the near future so get ready for some exciting new 'sodes. #GoodNewsEveryone Big Truss Internerds, 'Tis I, your graciously humble host, Amir. Proud graduate of Hampshire College and Plymouth University, lover of cheese, mayor of Dragon Town, slayer of grammar and co-founder of a one-man-band. My journey began with an undergraduate degree in marine biology/conservation and documentary film, followed shortly by a masters (MRes) in marine biology and most recently, a second masters (MSc) in sustainable aquaculture. Along the way I spent some time working as a PADI Divemaster, aquarist and long time personal trainer to Danny DeVito. My brief experience in academia pushed me to adopt a more objective approach to life, introduced me to lifelong friends but also underscored the importance of scientific communication. In an age of "alternative facts" and easily searched confirmation bias, creating a platform that engages the public with sciences seemed more pertinent than ever. And so, in an effort to strengthen the bridges of research to the public sphere The Imposter Podcast was born - huzzah! While there have been, and currently are, many brilliant scientific communicators, The Imposter takes inspiration from the likes of Carl Sagan, R. Aidan Martin, Cynthia Frelund and Mae Jemison. With the help of friends, scientists, and you wonderful listeners, we'll explore topics throughout the various fields of science. Episodes alternate, in no discernible pattern, between topics i've researched, informal conversations with fellow peers or interviews with researchers. Each episode is complimented by a blog post with supporting information, in case you want to learn more about a particular subject discussed(a link can be found at the bottom of this blurb). DISCLAIMER: This podcast tends to venture outside my comfort zone of marine biology. Though I strive for accuracy in my work, occasionally I may get some details wrong. For this reason I implore all my listeners to let me know when this happens. It is important to me to relay these topics in the most accurate way possible. Feel free to drop me a message if you have any questions, corrections, or comments: Yours truly, ~Amir 'J$' Fogel P.S. I'm always appreciative for your feedback. If you enjoy the show, support it by sending a link to friends, family, pets, strangers and the mall Santa. PLEASE DO NOT send to James Cameron. Manchego-Swiss-Brie 'LIKE' and 'SHARE' The Imposter: Facebook - Twitter - YouTube - Spotify - Wordpress - Check out the blog for supporting information on episodes: All the music you hear on The Imposter Podcast are originals. You can find out more about the artist, A Little Off Pitch, here: Subscribe and rate The Imposter on the iTunes music store, Spotify and YouTube keywords: The Imposter Podcast

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