Sunday Service / Sonntagsgottesdienst

Sunday Service / Sonntagsgottesdienst

Gott kennen.


Saved for hope / Auf Hoffnung hin errettet
39 Minuten
Romans 8.18-27 // Alexander Röhm // Video Version
Children and the Lord's Supper / Kinder und Abendmahl
56 Minuten
1 Corinthians 10:15-17 / 1. Korinther 10,15-17 // Samuel Garrard // Video Version
Why Church? / Wozu Gemiende?
45 Minuten
Romans 12:4-5, 1 Peter 2:4-5 / Römer 12,4-5; 1. Petrus 2,4-5 // Alexander Röhm // Video Version
SoLa Service / SoLa Gottesdienst
23 Minuten
Luke 24:13-35 / Lukas 24,13-35 // Christian Rathke // Video Version
Named / Benannt
23 Minuten
Mark 16:1-8 / Markus 16,1-8 // Brandon Barger // Video Version

Über diesen Podcast

As followers of Jesus Christ, we gather during this service to worship our God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to be transformed by Him. Because this service is held in German and English it is a place for our international and German members to connect and share in worship.

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