
BlueSciCon # 47 - Astrobioethics
Welcome to the conversation. It is March 8th 2017, and this is our 47th podcast. Today will be a discussion led by Octavio Alfonso Chon Torres on "Astrobioethics." The show is about 60 minutes long.
BlueSciCon # 46 - Involve me and I learn: Is the future of space exploration crowdfunded?
Welcome to the conversation. It is August 16th 2016, and this is our 46th podcast. Today will be a discussion led by Wojciech Gładysz on "Involve me and I learn: Is the future of space exploration crowdfunded?" The show is about 30 minutes long.
BlueSciCon # 45 - Sniffing Alien Atmospheres: Exoplanet spectrophotometry (from ground-, airborne- and space-based observatories)
Welcome to the conversation. It is July 13th 2016, and this is our 45th podcast. Today will be a discussion led by Dr. Daniel Angerhausen on "Sniffing Alien Atmospheres: Exoplanet spectrophotometry (from ground-, airborne- and space-based observator...
BlueSciCon # 44 - The specialization of the proto-mitochondrion as the respiratory organelle of eukaryotes
Welcome to the conversation. It is April 20th 2016, and this is our 44th podcast. Today will be a discussion led by Dr. Sergio Muñoz-Gómez on "The specialization of the proto-mitochondrion as the respiratory organelle of eukaryotes." The show is abo...
BlueSciCon # 43 - Stars without wars - Institutionalisation of space research and its role in the international security environment
Welcome to the conversation. It is November 19th 2015, and this is our 43rd podcast. Today will be a discussion led by Haritina Mogosanu on "Stars without wars - Institutionalisation of space research and its role in the international security enviro...

Über diesen Podcast

The informal seminar series of the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science

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