The Milky Way Podcast

The Milky Way Podcast

Schwarze Löcher, Urknall, das Sonnensystem - in diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um Astronomie und Astrophysik.


#19 Cosmic Classification: Understanding Galaxy Shapes
16 Minuten
Wir alle wissen, dass wir in einer Galaxie namens Milky Way leben. Aber weisst du, dass esMilliarden anderer Galaxien in diesem Universum gibt? Alle Galaxien haben unterschiedliche Formen undphysikalische Eigenschaften. In dieser Folge werden w...
#18 ‚Where Are They?‘ with Expert Perspectives on Alien Life
55 Minuten
Tejpreet interviewed Dr. Nikos Prantzos, from the Institute of Astrophysics, Paris. He is a leading scientist in nuclear astrophysics, astronomy, galactic evolution and search for extraterrestrial life. In their talk, they explore the profound...
#17 Astrobiology: Searching for Life Beyond Earth
18 Minuten
This episode delves into the captivating realm of astrobiology, the science that seeks to answer the age-old question: Are we alone in the universe? From ancient speculations to cutting-edge techniques, we explore the quest for life beyond Eart...
#16 The Interstellar Medium: Unravelling the Space Between Stars
In this episode, Tejpreet will discuss the Interstellar medium also known as ISM in short. ISM is the celestial glue holding galaxies together. Discover its different types, the cosmic processes within, and its impact on space exploration. In d...
#15 Cosmic Cleanup: Unveiling Space Debris and More
18 Minuten
Explore the cosmos through a unique lens! In this episode, we have multi-talented Sydney as the co-host. She is a music teacher with a cosmic passion. Together, we delve into space science’s captivating intricacies, from space debris to time di...

Über diesen Podcast

Schwarze Löcher, Urknall, das Sonnensystem – in diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um Astronomie und Astrophysik.

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