Raise Her Well - Equip Your Daughter to Have Bold Faith and Live Well.

Raise Her Well - Equip Your Daughter to Have Bold Faith and Live Well.

Raise Her Well - Equip Your Daughter to have bold faith and live well.


Über diesen Podcast

Have you ever had an identity crisis? Have you ever been afraid of letting go of something or laying it down when God pivots you out of a worldly past? Do you ever worry your daughter might choose a similar sinful past as you once did? What about your purpose in this life of motherhood, are you sick of those limitations you’ve placed on your role as mom and not sure how to break free from the world’s point of view? Are you tired of all the diets and impossible expectations and just want to live a healthy, more holistic lifestyle? Do you long to be bold in your faith and live a life of wellness, so that you can lead your daughter to do the same? If you have ever asked yourself, “WHERE is the village? A village of other like-minded mama’s wanting to raise God’s daughters His way and teach them food freedom; how to take care of their physical fitness too. Right here, mama, and I see you. What if motherhood itself was part of your purpose, on purpose, for such time as this? Let’s trust God with our past, present, and future and believe our daughters will be pillars in HIS Kingdom. God is in the business of using all the things; let’s allow Him to use us for our good, our daughters, and His glory! In this podcast, you will grow in CONFIDENCE in your role as a mother, be unapologetically bold in your faith in Jesus, and discover simple wellness habits to live a holistic, healthy lifestyle of food freedom. While living this bold and healthy lifestyle and taking bold action, you will equip your daughter to do the same. My mission is to encourage you to trust God, be bold in your faith in Him, and be physically and emotionally fit so that we can raise our daughters well. If you are ready to be intentional about your own spiritual and physical health, you are in the right place! Let’s step into confidence and be bold and healthy for our girls! Hey there, I’m Ashley Harvey. Christian. Wife. Girl Mama x3. Bonus Mom to 1. Holistic-ish life living, gym lover, thrift store enthusiast. From college athlete to working in the nightlife industry, mixing drinks for over a decade, and chasing my identity the world’s way, I ended up tired and confused. God is in the business of making things new! After taking a bold step of faith and laying down my career as a Brand Ambassador for a liquor distributor, what felt like my ’15 minutes of fame,’ God led me out and into more than I could imagine. The more I trusted Him, the more my life changed. In 2015 I married my husband, whom I met in our Bible study group. I was a new wife and bonus (step) mom right away. And it was the first time, that I didn’t have a job or career. When I had my next daughter, it was in this new season that I knew I needed to find my identity, self-worth, and purpose in God alone. This was a challenge since all I ever did was find myself in what I did. The creative part of me dabbled in many things. I started to write non-fiction and fiction. I knew I was supposed to finish a novel I started, so I recently completed the messiest version of a first draft. It isn’t good. But I did it! One day I was jogging/hiking at a local park. I was praying and pondering what I was supposed to do next; a podcast about podcasting had just come into my earbuds! The voice encouraged me and told me I had something of value to share. I put it off for some time, out of fear of sharing my testimony. After a ton of brainstorming, prayers, and self-discovery, I am so thankful all the other things didn’t work out, and in the pursuit of my heart’s desire, God revealed to me the clarity of this very show! Raise Her Well is for moms of daughters to discover their identity while learning to equip their daughters to have bold faith and live well. Never in a million did I imagine a parenting podcast for moms with daughters, filled with bold faith and sprinkles my love for fitness and nutrition. When you spend time with me here, I hope you get clarity on your identity so that you can lead your daughter to discover The Lord’s path for them and they find their identity in Him. Let’s step into Proverbs 31, stand boldly for the truth, discover holistic/natural health strategies and ways of living, and be steadfast, and passionate about our motherhood while we raise these incredible world changers! I believe when we seek God and let Him lead us, we become the catalysts of change we were meant to be and pass on our pursuit of Jesus to our legacy. Pop in one earbud, head to your favorite thrift store, make an iced coffee, or lift those dumbbells. It’s time to rise and Raise Her Well! Feel free to e-mail raiseherwell@gmail.com For more inspiration and encouragement, follow Ashley on Instagram: www.instagram.com/asheharvey.

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