cuppa tea w/aj

cuppa tea w/aj

Cuppa Tea w/AJ -Queercasting from Columbus, Ohio


CTw-AJ-245-Le retour de la Diva
Le retour de la diva, die Ruckkehr der Diva, La vuelta de la diva, De terugkeer van Diva, II ritorno della diva, O retorno da diva, “The Return of the Diva” I been busy bitches…it’s as simple as that Palin…ain’ t her 15 mins of fame up yet MJ, MJ and...
CTw-AJ-244-Hope and Change
Random….very Random….Hot Inaguration Mess Podcast with some good music from the past! No show notes….I ain’t got that kinda time bitches!
QSP-82-Cuttin Bitches Up
Like Knives – The Fashion Drugs are good…no wait…drugs are bad Speakin of Drugs – Amy Winehouse Eco Friendly Masturbation Habits Nasty Sex Talk Doggie Style…ehhhh it gets scary The New “Real World” Tranny got some EARS! Random Reality Show Chat Are y...
QSP-81-Boycott This
AFA Sucks ASS AJ Hates Fergie! Kayne is a HOT MESS! Careful what you post on Twitter Prince Harry news Drag Race SNL is HOT We go off on lots of shit…so just listen and stop reading these show notes!
CTw-AJ-243-You Better WORKout
Hear exclusive MUSIC from the ADVANCED COPY of “Workout-Pumping House” Workout Winehouse Titty Twitter Hackin Obama and Sanchez China all over Google Jett Travolta – when will the pap stop it Little black girls go to school Looking Good HONEY I hate...

Über diesen Podcast

the blog, podcast & vidcast by AJ of The Rainbow Podsquad & The Freak Network

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