04-12-17 Lavrov - Tillerson (en/es) - and more

04-12-17 Lavrov - Tillerson (en/es) - and more

04-12-17 Lavrov - Tillerson (en/es) - and more


04-12-2017 - Ann Coulter on The Joyce Kaufman Show
18 Minuten
04-12-2017 - Ann Coulter on The Joyce Kaufman Show audio English A fiery Ann Coulter told radio host Joyce Kaufman on Wednesday that she doesn’t care if it was Bashar al-Assad who used chemical weapons because she’s “tired of Regime change.” Though C...
04-12-2017 - President Donald Trump Press Conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
29 Minuten
04-12-2017 - President Donald Trump Press Conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg audio English
04-12-2017 - Lavrov, Tillerson press conference after talks in Moscow
53 Minuten
04-12-2017 - Lavrov, Tillerson press conference after talks in Moscow audio English
04-12-2017 - Lavrov y Tillerson dan una rueda de prensa conjunta en Moscú
53 Minuten
04-12-2017 - Lavrov y Tillerson dan una rueda de prensa conjunta en Moscú audio Spanish

Über diesen Podcast

04-12-2017 - Lavrov y Tillerson dan una rueda de prensa conjunta en Moscú audio Spanish * 04-12-2017 - Lavrov, Tillerson press conference after talks in Moscow * 04-12-2017 - President Donald Trump Press Conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg * 04-12-2017 - Ann Coulter on The Joyce Kaufman Show audio English

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