The Perception & Action Podcast

The Perception & Action Podcast


524 - Is it better to give a specific performance outcome target or one based on perception of effort?
12 Minuten
A look at a new study with powerlifters comparing performance when instructed to lift the bar at “maximum velocity” versus a specific velocity target. Articles: Considerations for Velocity-Based Training: The Instruction to Move “As Fast As Possible”...
523 – Critical Fluctuations as an Early Warning Signal of Sports Injuries: Proof of Concept
15 Minuten
Can we predict sports injury by monitoring transition points between attractors states of a complex system, or, in other words, points of instability?  A test using soccer players. Articles: Critical Fluctuations as an Early Warning Signal of Sports...
522 – Variability of Practice – A Deeper Dive
19 Minuten
Variability of practice helps motor learning. That is an undeniable fact. But let’s consider some of the subtleties: what are the different ways we can create variability in practice? How do the benefits of variability depend on the initial variabili...
521 – What’s Up With Me & Where is the Podcast Headed?
5 Minuten
A brief personal update and update on the podcast before I break for the holidays   More information: Subscribe in iOS/Apple Subscribe in Android/Google My Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles) My ASU Web page Podcast Facebook...
520 – Okkulo - A Training System for Manipulating Visual Constraints in Sports (JC 45)
40 Minuten
 A discussion with Mel O'Connor and Jack Woodburn from Okkulo Ltd. Links: My Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles) My ASU Web page Podcast Facebook page (videos, pics, etc)   Subscribe in iOS/Apple Su...

Über diesen Podcast

Exploration of how psychological research can be applied to improving performance, accelerating skill acquisition and designing new technologies in sports and other high performance domains. Hosted by Rob Gray, professor of Human Systems Engineering at Arizona State University, the podcast will review basic concepts and discuss the latest research in these areas.

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