Lattes & the Leofa's

Lattes & the Leofa's


Über diesen Podcast

Meet the Fam!"Living with the Leofa's" is a reality-docu series following the lives of the next generation Leofa's.Our purpose for sharing our day to day struggles is to educate, educate, educate!There is a gap between generations and cultures, and it is becoming more and more evident that it is there. We need to understand that just because "that's the way it was" doesn't mean that it is the way that things are or how they will be.We are raising Generation Alpha in a time of cyber-bullying, #MeToo movement, climate change, #equalrights, COVID-19 and countless other struggles that are yet to arise. It's not just GenAlpha that we need to empower, we also need to educate our baby boomers, and generation X. Bridge the gap between the commanding generation, to the collaborating generations.We understand that a lot of those within our community struggle because they've never had positive role models, or as a result of learned behavior- but with the access of the internet comes the ability to have those things within your grasp.We intend to educate on; Culture; who we are, and where we came from. Exploring all the different cultural aspects that our fruit-salad babies came from. Learning about their traditions, mythology, beliefs, discourses.Exploring our ancestral homes (as many as there may be). Experiences; we believe in education through experience. "How to" segments, on every talent this family has to offer. Cooking, cleaning (believe it or not, most don't understand the importance of a clean bathroom! Bacteria people!), building, hacking, health, and eventually wealth!

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