Tokyo 22

Tokyo 22

45-47 million people not covered by insurance, premiums increasing faster than our salaries for the rest of us. What can we do to improve this?


Episode 24
This is it for healthcare: let’s reduce the cost of insurance in the individual market (HSAs, pooling mechanism, tort reform, drug reimportation, tax treatment changes) and let’s change our mindset about certain medical costs.
Episode 23
If the healthcare systems in Canada and England are so bad, why are the Canadians and English dropping like flies? A closer look at the life expectancy and infant mortality numbers that are used in the healthcare reform debate.
Episode 22
In 2006, Massachusetts started its plan for universal healthcare. So what happened?
Episode 21
Comparative Effectiveness is not that bad - until you add costs into the analysis.
Episode 20
There are ways to encourage people to watch their medical costs and take care of their health.

Über diesen Podcast

45-47 million people not covered by insurance, premiums increasing faster than our salaries for the rest of us. What can we do to improve this?

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