Transforming Bodies Plastic  Surgery Stories

Transforming Bodies Plastic Surgery Stories

We chat with plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons,...


Über diesen Podcast

We chat with plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, patients, laser companies and clinicians about a variety of procedures, including tummy tucks, breast augmentations, rhinoplasty, facelifts, and a whole lot more. Our motto is #patientsafetyfirst #choosewisely #ItsUpToYou We research and check all the surgeons, doctors, practitioners, devices and treatments we put on the Hub. All plastic surgeons listed on the website are registered with the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) so we can ensure the surgeons we refer our readers to are appropriately trained and experienced. Our website has one of the largest plastic and cosmetic surgeons and cosmetic practitioner directories in Australia and consumers can find suitable practitioners by various search criteria including location or areas of expertise, or by searching under a specific surgery, device or treatment We aim to connect our readers to the most appropriate surgeon for their needs. The Plastic Surgery Hub researches and provides objective but factual information on surgery, procedures, current trends and news relating to the cosmetic and plastic surgery and aesthetics industries in order to better inform our readers. We believe the more informed our readers are about the various surgeries and treatments on the market; the better able they are to make choices about what is right for them. We advise our readers that surgery is a serious matter that should not be entered into lightly, and believe all consumers considering surgery or cosmetic treatments should be aware of the risks and possible side effects as well as the benefits and outcomes. The Hub is also a place for people to discuss their concerns, fears and experiences with plastic and cosmetic surgery. We believe that there is a significant lack of support for people undergoing surgeries and cosmetic treatments and The Hub provides a platform for those hard to ask questions and topics to be openly discussed, anonymously if desired. Our forum creates an environment where people feel supported and can share their stories with others going through the same experiences.

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