Worst. Show. Ever.

Worst. Show. Ever.

You'll probably want to avoid this podcast. It sucks. It's filled with neurotic tales of thieving bears, decoy wallets, and epic Olive Garden rants. It's irreverent and stupid and terrible, and the hosts should really be ashamed of themselves. You can...


WSE56 Sean Isn’t Mexican Anymore
Today is a jam-packed episode. Dave’s anger levels are through the roof and Target sold him fuzzy strawberries. He had to deal with his new favorite restaurant’s terrible service AND the guilt-tripping waitress who punches him in the arm. Johnny met...
WSE55 Dave Gets an MRI
For the past year, Dave has had issues with his right shoulder. It’s not the chronic masturbation, but he still decided to live with the pain. (Also, a rant on how Dave is going to break Tony Robbins.) While paying ball with his son, he TORE somethin...
WSE54 Dave and the Lowes Shit Show
Dave gets angry at Target’s layout and inevitable upselling when he’s trying to find a new washing machine. He and his son experience the stereo shit-show of Lowe’s men’s bathroom. Then Dave lets his wife win the washer argument but gets screwed by a...
WSE53 – Dave Is Psychic
Dave has OCD. Explore the strange, strange landscape that is his brain. Will stepping on a crack really break his mother’s back? Why would he step through a door backwards? Did Dave really predict his son’s baseball injury? Is Dave really psychic? Ne...
WSE52 Dave and His Bullet Journal
Ever heard of a bullet journal? Dave has one. It’s an analogue system in a digital age. Or some crap like that. Sean is in his month of no vices, including sugar. In case you were wondering, masturbation isn’t a vice. Dave tries to give up sugar (aga...

Über diesen Podcast

You'll probably want to avoid this podcast. It sucks. It's filled with neurotic tales of thieving bears, decoy wallets, and epic Olive Garden rants. It's irreverent and stupid and terrible, and the hosts should really be ashamed of themselves. You can also find archives of this travesty in the "Better Off Undead" podcast, which was just as bad but also had an even stupider name.

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