Power On Plants | Finding Plant Based Joy

Power On Plants | Finding Plant Based Joy


Über diesen Podcast

Welcome to the Power On Plants Podcast, with Jarrod and Anita Roussel! As a Certified Physician Assistant and Nurse with over 47 years of combined medical experience and nutritional training, this plant-based power couple is on a mission to help busy women and entrepreneurs regain your energy one simple step at a time so you can thrive! Finding lasting health and wellness is all about learning the quick, easy, and absolutely delicious way to regularly enjoy the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, whole plant foods, so your body feels great and can empower you to fully live each and every day! Whether you're switching to a healthy vegan lifestyle, starting out as a plant based beginner, or wanting to know how to actually enjoy eating more fruits and vegetables, you're in the right place. Learn the lasting, research-backed way to increase productivity and create the energy filled life you'll love without ever having to go on a diet! Gain the real life secrets, tips, and strategies for healthy cooking, oil free meal prep, meal planning, easy plant based recipes, dining out, saving time, saving money, healthy travel, and successfully adopting a whole food plant based diet in a way that’s realistic with your busy schedule, so you can discover how to confidently live a vibrant life you love every single day. Covering topics such as women's health, lasting weight loss, natural health, joint pain, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease, inflammation, low energy, high blood pressure, digestive disease, gut health, chronic fatigue, and high cholesterol, each episode is jam-packed with simple takeaways to help you prevent and even reverse disease naturally so you can fully enjoy life and see your goals and dreams become real. If you’re ready to leave overwhelm, exhaustion, and health struggles behind for good, so you can thrive, welcome to The Power On Plants Podcast! Tune in every Monday for new episodes.

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