010 / Henk Tennekes

010 / Henk Tennekes

43 Minuten
Help Bees by Planting Seasonal, Local and Organic Flowering Plants and Trees.


vor 3 Jahren
Henk Tennekes, Author of The Systemic Pesticides, A disaster in the
Making was a Dutch Toxicologist who researched neonicotinoids, the
most used agro chemicals on the planet. Henk wrote his book when he
saw that these poisons would break the food chain at it's most
critical link, the insect/invertebrate life system of the planet.
Bayer and Academia at Wageningen University (EU equivalent to UC
Davis University), who portray themselves as leaders in pollinator
health, both blacklisted him and worked to destroy his career. They
put a shot across the bow to those who would blow the whistle and
expose the cozy relationship of Honeybee Academia and the chemical
industry. Henk’s accent was difficult to understand, so I asked Tom
Theobald, friend of Henk and activist beekeeper from Colorado, to
stand in and read as Henk from the transcript. If you'd like the
original interview of Henk please email me for a copy. Marc
Pieterse, a Dutch admirer of Henk's work, took the time to
translate Henk's interview into a transcript. Thank you Marc and
Tom for all your help. And thank you Henk for seeing the future and
warning us, even if you paid dearly for it.

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