Out of fight/flight-state: Relax into your vision

Out of fight/flight-state: Relax into your vision

21 Minuten


vor 3 Wochen

What can you do to reach your goal in a way which is not bringing
you into a fight-/flight-state?

In this episode I share with you...

• How you bring in energy to experience your desired outcome

• How you find balance and relaxation on your way

• How you minimise the potential of a shut down

• How you are able to relax when you have a lot of tasks right
before you

After this episode you will find yourself...

• In more awareness about yourself and your working patterns

• Knowing when to slow down and when to take loving action

• How you are able to integrate healthy workpatterns and develop
a long-lasting experience according your company and

You want to learn more? Join the Higher-Sense-Activation now:

In the 30 minute masterclass you experience the activation of
your higher senses and will be empowered to develop your
spiritual company.

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