Beethoven's deafness: Australian has hair tested to solve the mystery - Beethovens Taubheit: Australier lässt Haare testen, um das Rätsel zu lösen

Beethoven's deafness: Australian has hair tested to solve the mystery - Beethovens Taubheit: Australier lässt Haare testen, um das Rätsel zu lösen

The famous German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven developed a hearing disorder at an early age, which ultimately led to deafness. For a long time, people have been puzzling over what was behind this ailment. An Australian has now had locks of th
6 Minuten
Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and German-speaking Australians. - Nachrichten und Geschichten aus unserer deutschsprachigen Community in Australien, in deutscher Sprache.


vor 1 Woche
The famous German composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven
developed a hearing disorder at an early age, which ultimately led
to deafness. For a long time, people have been puzzling over what
was behind this ailment. An Australian has now had locks of the
composer's hair tested. - Der berühmte deutsche Komponist und
Pianist Ludwig van Beethoven entwickelte früh ein Gehörleiden, das
letztendlich zu Taubheit führte. Seit langem wird gerätselt, was
hinter dem Leiden steckte. Ein Australier ließ nun Haarlocken des
Komponisten testen.

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