39 - We traveled in time in order to heal the inner child - 14.05.24

39 - We traveled in time in order to heal the inner child - 14.05.24

11 Minuten


vor 2 Wochen

At Self Mastery we believe in making personal development &
awareness training tangible.

We can build our reality the way we want it to be.

We all strive for growth in our game of life!

But what if we can't make any progress at our current level...


* Situations in our lives always repeat themselves, even though
we have already tried to escape from them in the past to the
point of exhaustion...

* Our live feels boring, frustrating, heavy and sluggish right

* We want to become a high performer who naturally, without much
effort, lives the life of his dreams and continues to grow

Then, in our eyes, it is time to zoom out and to observe &
understand what we are living right now.

To do this, we break down your life into different levels like in
a role-playing game and give you the right tools - the 3 steps of
the Self Mastery Methodology - to master yourself and your game.

The path of personality development and awareness training
becomes measurable and process-oriented, so that personal success
is guaranteed.

Would you like to get in touch with me and find out how we can
support you in your process?


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