Episode 3 - When Dads and Daughters are on a Pubcrawl

Episode 3 - When Dads and Daughters are on a Pubcrawl

52 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Episode 3 - 25th January 2021

Today Simon and Frenchy get to convince you why you should go on
a date out in Salisbury and Windsor Gardens! 

1 - Intro

2 - The Correct Temperature Settings

3 - Foods that are Good for you

4 - Simon's Small Job

5 - Workplace Bluetooth Etiquette

6 - Destination Date Locations

7 - Visit Salisbury & Windsor Gardens

8 - Day of the Year - Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

9 - Parents at a Pub-crawl

10 - The Podcast Excuse

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