A long way to musical success - Langer Weg zum musikalischen Erfolg

A long way to musical success - Langer Weg zum musikalischen Erfolg

Anyone who wants to earn a living with music often has a long way to go. Even the most gifted often have to fight for recognition and success for a long time. This has little to do with artistic romance. My colleague Julia Grewe learns what life as a musi
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vor 1 Woche
Anyone who wants to earn a living with music often has a long way
to go. Even the most gifted often have to fight for recognition and
success for a long time. This has little to do with artistic
romance. My colleague Julia Grewe learns what life as a musician
looks like in reality from the young guitarist and singer Flavia. -
Wer mit Musik seinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen will, hat oft einen
langen Weg vor sich. Selbst die Begabtesten müssen oft lange um
Anerkennung und Erfolg kämpfen. Mit künstlerischer Romantik hat das
wenig zu tun. Wie das Musikerleben in der Realität aussieht,
erfährt meine Kollegin Julia Grewe von der jungen Gitarristin und
Sängerin Flavia.

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