#22- Michelle Shinagawa: Life Changing Magic of Tidying up

#22- Michelle Shinagawa: Life Changing Magic of Tidying up


vor 4 Jahren
#22 - Michelle Shinagawa: Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up A
wonderful conversation with Michelle Shinagawa about the KonMari
method, the life changing magic of tidying up. Michelle is a
certified KonMari consultant and Reiki teacher and healer. Because
of her spiritual background she can guide us in not only
transforming our spaces but our lives. In this episode,
Michelle shares how the once in a lifetime tidying festival works
and how to learn to pay attention to what sparks joy in your life.
Ultimately the KonMari method is not just about tidying your home.
It's a journey of self- discovery that can transform every area of
your life. It begins by finding the things that spark
joy.  Michelle thank you for sparking joy within me for
your friendship, inspiration and wisdom. To find out more about
Michelle Shinagawa go to her websitehttp://purplefishhealing.com.
You can also download the KonMari check list  at
https://organize.purplefishhealing.com To find out more about the
Be the Light Podcast or your host Maria Kammerer visit her website
at https://www.attunecincinnati.com/. Grateful to Max Raphael
of True Resonance, trueresonance.net, for co-producing this
Podcast and for donating his beautiful music for the intro &

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