S5 Ep 7: Take up Space with Tiffanie Delune

S5 Ep 7: Take up Space with Tiffanie Delune

Back-to-back episodes featuring very chic, very cool, very stylish, very insightful Parisians.  How lucky are we?! In this episode, I'm in conversation with my friend, the artist Tiffanie Delune. In the episode, we talk about self-love,...
32 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Back-to-back episodes featuring very chic, very cool, very
stylish, very insightful Parisians. 

How lucky are we?!

In this episode, I'm in conversation with my friend, the artist
Tiffanie Delune. In the episode, we talk about self-love,
self-care, being in alignment with oneself and how that leads you
on the path toward designing your own life.

Having the courage to acknowledge, ask for and walk toward the
life you really want isn’t an easy feat. You have to be honest
about your desires and needs, mute negative self-talk, banish
doubt, face your fears, and stand naked in front of the mirror
(hypothetical or real, as you want) with the unabashed truth: a
change is necessary.

But the reward ya’ll. THE REWARD!  After taking that first
step—the bravest step—is beyond measure. You’ll find yourself in
alignment with your life, with the way you love and want to be
loved and, most importantly, with the regard you have for

Don’t be afraid to jump and believe, go after what you want.
Usually, the net appears, in one way or the other. It’s always
been there, just waiting for you to take the leap of faith.

I hope you enjoy the episode and it influences some positive
changes in your life, no matter how big or small.

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