039-Mark 15:6-20

039-Mark 15:6-20

The path leading to the cross would become an excruciatingly painful one for Jesus. A terrible scourging would proceed the nails that were yet to come. Yet, knowing all of this, Jesus endured it, for you and for me. Today we examine this as we join …
1 Stunde 8 Minuten
Join Pastor Phil as he teaches us in-depth and verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark. Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is a non-denominational fellowship in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, where Phil Ballmaier is the Senior Pastor. Day By Day Radio is...


vor 7 Jahren
The path leading to the cross would become an excruciatingly
painful one for Jesus. A terrible scourging would proceed the nails
that were yet to come. Yet, knowing all of this, Jesus endured it,
for you and for me. Today we examine this as we join Pastor Phil in
Mark's Gospel, chapter 15, verse 6. Let's listen. Original Message:

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