Episode 151 - English AI generated: KS Pulse - Jack of All Trades, STARK

Episode 151 - English AI generated: KS Pulse - Jack of All Trades, STARK

2 Minuten


vor 2 Wochen

Englisch Version - The German Version also exists but content
differs minimal:
AI-generated News of the Day. The Pulse is an experiment to see
if it is interesting to get the latest news in 5 min. small
packages generated by an AI every day.

It is completely AI-generated. Only the content is curated.
Carsten and I select suitable news items. After that, both the
manuscript and the audio file are created completely

Accordingly, we cannot always guarantee accuracy.

Topic 1: Jack of All Trades, Master of Some, a Multi-Purpose
Transformer Agent https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.09844
Topic 2: STARK: Benchmarking LLM Retrieval on Textual and
Relational Knowledge Bases

It would be great if you compare the German to the English
version and give us feedback.

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