Gaya Herrington

Gaya Herrington

Rewriting the Future
57 Minuten


vor 1 Woche

In this thought-provoking conversation, Gaya Herrington shares
her insights on what a good life for all might look like and the
kind of society and economy we need to make it a reality. Gaya,
an economist and sustainability researcher, gained recognition
for her research validating the predictions of the Limits to
Growth report, which has led her to explore and advocate for a
wellbeing economy.

Throughout the discussion, Gaya emphasizes the importance of
shifting from a growth-based economy to one that prioritizes
human wellbeing within planetary boundaries. She highlights the
need for a holistic approach, including changes in government
policies, business practices, and individual mindsets. Gaya also
shares her vision of a society where people understand that they
are enough, fostering a sense of contentment and altruism.

Gaya's work and ideas offer a path towards a more balanced and
equitable future, inviting us all to reconsider our values and
the systems that govern our lives. To learn more about Gaya's
research and ideas, download her free book "Five Insights for
Avoiding Global Collapse" at

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