Luft zum Denken: Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence | Sam Ginn, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Pierre Cassou-Noguès and Jan Söffner on “Emergence” | Episode 5

Luft zum Denken: Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence | Sam Ginn, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Pierre Cassou-Noguès and Jan Söffner on “Emergence” | Episode 5

1 Stunde 38 Minuten


vor 3 Wochen


Sam Ginn discusses with Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Pierre
Cassou-Noguès, Jan Söffner and our students on the topic of

Sam Ginn, Founder and CEO of Vetspire, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht,
internationally renowned literary and cultural theorist from
Stanford University, Pierre Cassou-Noguès, French philosopher and
writer and Jan Söffner, professor of cultural theory and
analysis at Zeppelin University are in these following episodes
of the podcast talking about the four topics of Emergence,
Alignment and Coexistence, whereby one podcast episode will cover
one topic.

The discussion format stems from Giovanni Boccaccios Decameron:
Each of the four speakers presents their own topic, on which they
speak as the “king” of this round. Following the king's speech,
each of the three remaining speakers also give a short impulse on
his topic. Thereafter the round is opened up for mutual
questions, including also the audience, in this case the students
of our course.

The overall topic in this first episode will be: Emergence, by
Sam Ginn



"What is called thinking?" The question Martin Heidegger asked in
his lecture of 1951/52 reads like a counter-question to the one
Alan Turing had asked a year earlier in his essay Computing
Machinery and Intelligence: "Can a machine think?“ Both ways of
asking the same question are more relevant today than ever
before. The attempt to define ‘thinking’ by the Turing Test has
sort of „programmed“ computer development in such a way that
software seems to be able to perform more and more human thinking
without having developed a consciousness or what Heidegger called
a Da-Sein (being there). But is AI therefore really thinking? Or
vice versa: Is the human consciousness still needed under these
conditions? And what for?
The course was dedicated to the comparison and interplay of
artificial and human intelligence, addressing the latest theories
and newest software solutions. It was designed as a podcast
seminar to which proven experts in the field were invited. 

In this new podcast, renowned experts in the field of AI will be
invited as guests to talk with Jan Söffner (Zeppelin University).
The podcast makes a course of ten sessions available to a broader


Enjoy listening to this episode! We are looking forward to your
feedback, suggestions and comments:

Either as a direct message via Instagram: @welle20radio at:

Or simply by using the comments function in the podcast app.


"Luft zum Denken: Artificial Intellegence and Human Intellegence.
Sam Ginn, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Pierre Cassou-Noguès and Jan
Söffner on “Emergence”. Episode 5" is a cooperation between
Welle20 and the Chair of Cultural Theory and Analysis at Zeppelin
University Friedrichshafen

Content and Preparation: Prof. Dr. Jan Söffner

Executive Production: Chiara Keßel

A Welle20 Podcast


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