Ep. 152- Jess Connolly

Ep. 152- Jess Connolly

This interview is with Jess Connolly. I was invited to join a podcast panel for Jess Connolly and her new book, "Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has Named Good".She shares so much wisdom on her own journey to calling her body "g...
56 Minuten
Why the heck do these people believe in and live for God (of the Bible)?


vor 2 Jahren
This interview is with Jess Connolly. I was invited to join a
podcast panel for Jess Connolly and her new book, "Breaking Free
from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has Named Good".She
shares so much wisdom on her own journey to calling her body

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