The Silver Linings in Adversity

The Silver Linings in Adversity

Kate hosts and moderates a special broadcast panel discussion on the Covid-19 adversity we are all currently navigating and the positives or silver linings that may be found and are always inherent in adversity. The panelists are: Anne Logue,...
1 Stunde 1 Minute
Soul Fire Wisdom is a weekly live show steamed via and then added as a podcast. It focuses on change and transformation and the journey we all take as humans in finding our path and purpose through our soul passions. Kate interviews...


vor 4 Jahren
Kate hosts and moderates a special broadcast panel discussion on
the Covid-19 adversity we are all currently navigating and the
positives or silver linings that may be found and are always
inherent in adversity. The panelists are:
Anne Logue, Transformation Coach, Energy Healer & Author
Mona Green, Life Coach, Speker & Artist
Dr. Faith Brown, Psychologist, Business Strategist, Author,
Suzanne Baxter, Licensed Psychologist, Couples Resilience
It will be a lively, thought-provoking and informative discussion.
Tune in for some insight and perspective.

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