Creating a Global Ecosystem of Meaningful Healthcare with Val Asbury

Creating a Global Ecosystem of Meaningful Healthcare with Val Asbury

26 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

At the end of the day what needs to be brought to the marketplace
are solutions to problems that consumers face. Val Asbury, CEO of
LifeScan, is on a mission to do just that. LifeScan is the maker
of One Touch, and Val navigates all its business and operations,
which operates around the world with more than 2,000 employees.
Her background in nursing and extensive general management
experience has been vital in playing a role in the success of her
diverse range of leadership, along with an undying passion for
‘meaningful’ healthcare.

Let’s get right into the episode and learn from Val how LifeScan
is creating a global ecosystem to support meaningful

[00:01 - 02:18] Opening Segment

I introduce Val Asbury

Val shares his background and story

Nurse by training 

A passion for meaningful healthcare 

Journey into deep diabetes 

[02:19 - 14:01] Giving Patients the Ability to Customize
Their Wellness

Val explains the journey behind the start of competitive

What was meant to create choice limited it

From a fortune 500 to a private equity

The slow processes of a fortune 500 

More freedom to move quick under a private equity 

Keeping the mission front and center 

Val shares her thoughts on the new world of subscription

The evolution is the most important 

People are diverse, they should have options

Val talks about the strategy behind her partnerships 

The goal is consulting

Going beyond just glucose management 

CGM coming soon

Bringing in industry leaders to tailor solutions 

Soon to launch: consumer portal 

[14:02 - 22:58] Creating a Global Ecosystem of Meaningful

How LifeScan is overcoming the competition 

A focus on the core business 

Strategic partnerships with industry leaders

A global vision 

Data from internal systems as well as partners 

Val talks about the differences in procedures in different

LifeScan and insulin delivery 

The move into digital tools 

A surprising but needed evolution 

What patients want

Are we solving their problems?

[22:59 - 25:32] Closing Segment

A change in payer priorities 

What’s next for Val 

LifeScan for the long term

How to connect with Val

Links below 

Final Words 

Tweetable Quotes:

“If you run a responsible business and you do the right things to
support the business, what I’m finding… is we have a lot more
latitude and speed to be able to bring solutions into the
marketplace.” - Val Asbury

“We’ll have so much diversity of the data that we should be able
to correlate and talk to people about their health and what
combinations work well… and all make a meaningful difference
overtime.” - Val Asbury 

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