#57 Beginner's Best Choice - (50mm)

#57 Beginner's Best Choice - (50mm)

Conversations with Eberhard Philipp Heck
15 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

The Show – has always been about enriching the learning
experience in a fun and interesting way. Episode 57 is the launch
of Season 5 and an introduction of a feature film to be released
in November 2021.

The film is for those of you who are also interested in
photography – and is where we take a deep dive into 31 aspects –
of learning and producing interesting images – through a 50mm
lens. Filmed in Berlin on January 16, 2021 – the interview
follows the same tradition of this whole podcast initiative –
where “Living the Language” still means keeping your language by
using it for real things – and things you like.

ShowGuest: Eberhard Philipp Heck

ShowNotes Full and Link to where the Video will be
Published in November 2021 -

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Shownotes: https://trainingtree.de/category/podcastnotes/

The inclusiveness of the whole show is in and of itself activist
- affirmative - unpretentious - independent - empowering.

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