Josée Lusignan, Humanitarian "Mom" of Canada

Josée Lusignan, Humanitarian "Mom" of Canada

Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Josée Lusignan: - At t…
27 Minuten
Herzlich Willkommen. Mein Name ist Jürgen Ruff. U…


vor 2 Jahren
Jürgen Ruff in dialog with Josée Lusignan: - At the age of 5, Josée
receives her vision for helping humanity - Alignment with yourself
is the key to unlocking your full potential - Great results and
experiences happen through right alignment with yourself -
Travelling to remote Indigenous communities in Canada is more
expensive than flying to Australia - Learning from Indigenous
culture is life changing - Residential schools stripped Indigenous
peoples of their identity for the purposes of assimilation and
Christianization - Working with single parents to bring them from
despair to a new and positive life Web pages: - One Better World - - I love first people - - Good 4 Global - (Josée's new start-up to launch this
fall!) Did you like this podcast? Then feel free to subscribe to
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who want to do something for themselves. At iTunes I'm happy about
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forward to your message. Make yourself a wonderful day - free
following the quote from Bob Marley: "Love the life you live Live
the life you love." Yours, Juergen

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