John Baulch - Toy World Magazine

John Baulch - Toy World Magazine

51 Minuten
Der Podcast über Licensing, Marketing und alles was damit zu tun hat


vor 3 Jahren

This is the second episode of the international version of "Let's
talk licensing" and finally we are diving deeper into toys and
licensing again. 

It has been a great pleasure talking to John Baulch,
publisher of Toy World Magazine, about the current situation in the
toys and licensing industry in the UK.  Not only Brexit but
also the current pandemic has had its impact on the industry and
John provides great insights to what has been going on since the
Licensing Show in Las Vegas last year. We talk about the effects of
lockdown on consumers, retailers and the producing industry as well
as about the latest development on content publishing. John is a
true expert and he has a very positive perspective on the latest

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