#11 | Energizing Green Success

#11 | Energizing Green Success

With Christoph Ostermann
33 Minuten
Der Podcast zur Energiezukunft, zur digitalen Energiewende und zum Andersmachen.


vor 7 Monaten

Join us in our latest podcast episode with Christoph Ostermann –
diving into the world of GreenTech startups. Get ready for an
insightful journey through the GreenTech ecosystem and discover
Christoph’s remarkable journey as an entrepreneur including his
startup success story of sonnen. Gain valuable insights into
GreenTech investments – why corporations are increasingly
acquiring startups and the symbiotic relationship between the
two. Learn what it takes to keep the innovation drive alive in
today's fast-paced tech and energy landscape and what Christoph’s
investment philosophy and motivation are. Get ready to be
inspired as we decode the secrets of energizing green success and
hot to accelerate the energy transition. Stay tuned for this

Weitere Episoden

17 | Chief Executive Optimist
30 Minuten
vor 1 Monat
#16 | Dezentrales Energiebündel
35 Minuten
vor 2 Monaten
#15 | BESS for Success
27 Minuten
vor 3 Monaten
#14 | Engineering Policy
31 Minuten
vor 4 Monaten
#13 | Merry Megawatt Review
28 Minuten
vor 5 Monaten

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