#006 [EN] We've given our future to people that are confused with the present - Ben Hammersley

#006 [EN] We've given our future to people that are confused with the present - Ben Hammersley

Ben Hammersley is one of the worlds leading futurists and writers for the Wired magazine. When he speaks companies like Google, Vodafone and Telekom listen. We met last week at the Radiodays Europe in Vienna, where he held a fantastic keynote about t ...
29 Minuten
About the question how ai and creativity can benefit from each other


vor 6 Jahren
Ben Hammersley is one of the worlds leading futurists and writers
for the Wired magazine. When he speaks companies like Google,
Vodafone and Telekom listen. We met last week at the Radiodays
Europe in Vienna, where he held a fantastic keynote about the
future of radio, audio, and technology in general. In this episode,
we talk about how to bridge the gap between old industries and new
technologies, the future of radio and audio in general, how
monetization on the internet works and how brand communication must
look in the future. Little trivia: Ben is also the inventor of the
word "podcast", which he accidentally came up with when
"padding out" an article. But do not ask him about that, as he
probably heard that question 2 or three times in the past ;)

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