#049 [EN] Autonomous driving is a solution to a non existing problem - Carlo van de Weijer

#049 [EN] Autonomous driving is a solution to a non existing problem - Carlo van de Weijer

Sometimes the topics far away from your own profession are the most inspiring ones. As an creative person not owning a car,  a professor for mobility and autonomous driving is pretty far from my own world. To me Carlo van de Weijers thoughts on AI an ...
26 Minuten
About the question how ai and creativity can benefit from each other


vor 4 Jahren
Sometimes the topics far away from your own profession are the most
inspiring ones. As an creative person not owning a car,  a
professor for mobility and autonomous driving is pretty far from my
own world. To me Carlo van de Weijers thoughts on AI and mobility
are super interesting in the love and data context. We met this
summer at the Boma global conference in Berlin.

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