#7 Ray Frigault / Author and Speaker: Drugs, Alcoholism, Failure - How to Lose Your Fear of Change and Rediscover Your Life

#7 Ray Frigault / Author and Speaker: Drugs, Alcoholism, Failure - How to Lose Your Fear of Change and Rediscover Your Life

1 Stunde 35 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

In the first episode of this second season of «The Power of
MACHEN», the power of the word MACHEN (engl. DOING) relates to
our very own destiny. What do we do when we realize that our life
is just passing by? Watch or act? 

Life hasn't always been kind to my interview partner Ray - or:
Ray himself hasn't always been kind to his life. Crime, alcohol,
drug abuse, job loss, broken relationship, finally a diagnosis of
bipolar disorder. No, Ray didn't leave anything out. 

His 40th birthday - facing the utter destruction of his life -
seemed like a turning point. This was followed by a return to
one's own fountain of youth and the realization that it never
ebbs. He processed this turning point in his extremely
encouraging book "It's about TIME - Rediscover your youth and
take the fear out of CHANGE". He tells how mistakes can be turned
into wisdom, heartbreak into love and every ending into a
beginning – it's never too late to change. 

In our moving and radical open conversation, Ray not only told me
about his fears and dark moments in life, but also gave me
impulses to leave them behind: 

•  Tricks and life hacks on how to break bad habits,
including addiction. 

•  About the discovery of (his) equation that freed him from
nagging self-doubt and today has brought him a rich and
fulfilling life. 

•  How writing influences us positively and why everyone
should process their own life story in a book. 

«It's never too late to be what you might have been». George
Eliot's quote is emblazoned at the top of Ray's webpage in the
spirit of his equation. A New York Times bestseller author wrote
about his book: ««It’s About TIME» is an eye-opening, radical
shift in mindset that reveals the power we all have to give
ourselves the unparalleled gift of a second chance.» 

And me? I'm just grateful that I got to have this conversation
with Ray. I hope you feel the same after listening. 

For more information about Ray and his book please check out his


For more information about fourgrowth retreat – your retreat for
inner strength and personal growth - please check out 


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