Gaetano Martelli - What is the most beautiful place in the world?

Gaetano Martelli - What is the most beautiful place in the world?

1 Stunde 18 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

My guest today is the Italian traveler and filmmaker Gaetano
Martelli. After spending half of his life in the modeling
industry, working in places like Milan, New York and Shanghai,
Gaetano decided to give his life a more meaningful
direction. Since he felt in love with experiencing new
places, meeting new people and trying new delicious food, he came
to the solution to start his career filming all of his crazy
adventures! We both met the first time in Mexico City and
got very good friends. The interview we had was more like two
guys talking after they haven’t see for so long. Too many topics
to just fill one episode we thought .. but definitely enough to
take some notes. Maybe we will both come back with another
Episode on a special topic. Stay tuned!



BOOKS: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin


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