Entrepreneurs Talk #9 with Dan Burns - Revolutionizing agile software testing with Testifi

Entrepreneurs Talk #9 with Dan Burns - Revolutionizing agile software testing with Testifi

1 Stunde 24 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
This new episode is exceptional - at different levels. Not only it
is our first episode in english, but our guest Dan Burns - CEO
& co-founder of Testifi - is probably one of the most inspiring
people we know.

Dan and his co-founder are revolutionizing how agile software
development works. But what makes his story so inspiring is that
Testifi was a long process in the making. Years of learning and
improving to finally start and become what is now one of
Germany's most promising startups.

Dan told us everything with any filter, ups and downs, what
happens when you hire your first employees and which challenges
founders are facing when they scale. This episode is about
continuous learning, finding your path and enjoying the process.
A real look behind the curtains of a tech startup.


01:30 Who Dan is

10:30 The early challenges of software testing

14:00 Exploring the entrepreneurial path

18:40 What agile software development is

24:30 Fired up life

34:00 How Testifi started

41:00 What building a team means

44:45 Listen to your body

48:00 Scaling Testifi

57:00 Leadership

67:00 To start or not to start - That is the question

As alyways, special thanks to Frodo for the editing

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