
vor 2 Jahren

Buddha Blog Podcast Episode 44 - English Version

Buddhism in everyday life - Mindfulness in daily life
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the Apple and Android stores.

This podcast is largely funded by its listeners. I would be happy
to welcome you as a supporter as well. Thank you to everyone who
supports Buddha Blog in their own way.

If you are a beginner with Buddhism, it will be difficult.

First of all, something very important up front: Buddhism is
not a religion , it is a philosophy and worldview. Buddha
expressly warned his followers not to worship him, but to strive
for personal "ENLIGHTENMENT". That is why you can follow a
religion (for example as a Christian, Muslim or Jew), but still
be a Buddhist.

Many different teachings have developed from the original
philosophy of Buddha, the influence of different cultures
has even given rise to completely different types of Buddhism in
different regions. Buddhism is lived differently in China than in
Thailand or Tibet, other "saints" are the focus, almost
everywhere other rituals are used. There is not even
agreement on the exact birthday of Buddha. In part, the
differences between the teachings are also immanent (comparable
to the Catholic and Protestant views in Christianity).

For my part, I follow the pure teaching of the Buddha, as
well as the characteristics that his worldview received through
Bodhidharma and Hui Neng in the Shaolin Temple
in China, the Chan (Zen) Buddhism. Chan (or Zen)
originally comes from China (or Japan), see also "A Brief
History of Chan (Zen) Buddhism".

Buddhism differs fundamentally from the major religious
worldviews  . This is NOT about a belief
system, the Buddha's teaching has as its goal no dependence
on God or gods, not the bond to a "higher power", in Buddhism no
dialogue in a superior and subordinate relationship is required.
Buddhism is about the laws of the world order, about

Support the Show.

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Webseite "Shaolin-Rainer", auch als App
erhältlich, Apple und Android. 3.) App
"SleepwithSounds" bei Apple und Android.
4.)Buddha Blog Podcast (wöchentlich)
5.) Buddhismus im Alltag Podcast (täglich)
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Dannenberg ((Elbe)